Thursday, June 21, 2018

3-2-1 Reflection

This blog will be discussing a reflection on virtual learning. We've learned that virtual learning, online learning, online education, or distance education as "institution based, formal education where the learning group is separated, and where interactive telecommunications systems are used to connect learners, resources, and instructors (Simonson, Smaldino, Zvacek, 2015, p. 6). As I reflect on this topic I can see how virtual learning has been implemented into our school districts, colleges, businesses, and jobs. Over the years and it has become a necessity and educators are meeting the demands of online learning through implementation of distance education throughout their districts.

Through my review of sample school district policies and other literature that provided details on online learning, I learned and was surprised about 3 things: (1) Alabama has a fully accredited online school within the Athens City School district, (2) there is an actual state law,( ) that school districts must have a distance education program, (3) and students are able to take an online class for credit in their respective districts but may be taught by teachers from another school district.

Athens City School district, in response to the legislature that was passed, created a fully online school for students K-12. This school was developed for students throughout the entire state that may want a more flexible option for school. I was surprised in learning that this was designed and implemented in school year 2016-2017. In learning about this, I created an infograhic that briefly describes how Athens Renaissance School ,, was developed: (see below)
Creating an online & blended public school by Jessica Bynum Continuing on with my reflection, there were two things that I was concerned with regarding online learning, (1) some school district school policies were not very specific or defined, and (2) how/ when course would be evaluated and how often programs would be reviewed for effectiveness. "Policy development and implementation is an important topic to be addressed when an organization considers distance courses and programs" (Simonson et al, 2015, p. 287). I was concerned in reading some policies that did not completely outline their mission and purpose and not enough specifics in student/ parents responsibility. They were written in accordance to the passed legislature but not specifics for the district. The text states the following areas should be covered in a distance education policy:

  • "Governance and Administration of the Distance Education/ Online Learning Program
  • Academic Policies
  • Quality Control
  • Faculty-Related Issues
  • Student-Related Policies
  • Fiscal Issues
  • Legal Issues
  • Library Policy
  • Policy on Acceptable Use of IT Resources" (Smaldino et al, 2015, p. 290).
In addition to those areas I learned, and those that were concerning, there is one question I have regarding virtual learning. Will all districts receive the same type of funding, technology, and resources statewide? I think this will be important for schools to maintain, sustain, and grow as technology continues to advance and be used in virtual learning. "Distance education is expensive", (Simonson et al, 2015, p. 296), and something I think administrators should consider as they continue to plan for future online learning.

Alabama SB72:

Athens City Schools:

Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., & Zvacek, S. (2015). Teaching and learning at a distance (6th ed.). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc..

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The Chosen One, Blackboard

Image result for blackboard lms

Blackboard, (Bb) is the chosen learning management system that will be discussed in this blog. Although it was listed on the class Wiki page, I chose this CMS because our institution is currently using this system. We implemented Bb in the fall semester of 2016 and many users here at the college are still learning how to use it effectively.

As our executive committee planned to move towards an online environment of providing distance education, they wanted to make sure that the chosen CMS would allow for instructors to have a smooth transition from a traditional classroom to an online format. They also wanted it to be a good fit for student and instructor use, and be user friendly for them both.

Instructional Design
Blackboard, is a  nicely built system that currently meets our needs. It was designed with the "understanding that the way people learn is dynamic", and education will continue to evolve. (Blackboard, 2018). At our institution, instructors met with their respective divisions to plan which courses would be delivered through distance learning and plan their curriculum. The text tells us that "teaching at a distance requires planning and organizing" (Simonson, Smaldino, and Zvacek, 2015, p. 127). Reviewing Bb you will find that it meets the needs for the type of online instruction that the institution desires. Instructors want to be able to load course curricula, be able to track student attendance, create rubrics, measure student performance, grade assignments/ tests, and create discussions. These design features allows for a manageable student/ teacher learning experience. "Design is the fundamental element of effective instruction"(Simonson, et al, 2015, p. 128), and allows for instructors to teach and students to be able to learn at "anytime" and "anyplace". 

Take a look at the video below that provides details on the "The Learning Experience" by Blackboard:

Image result for pic teaching onlineUsing Bb system has helped instructors to be more creative in the delivery of course curricula and manage students more effectively. Instructors are able to coordinate with textbook vendors to have their books loaded into Bb with the corresponding course. Some vendors even provide the service of loading and setting up the course in each instructor'shell. Once the content is loaded, instructors are able to set up weekly coursework, learning outcomes, create tests, track their attendance, manage their progress, even submit progress statuses. These components "create a learning experience necessary for student learning" (Simonson, et al, 2015, p. 129). 

Image result for students learning onlineAs instructors continue to use the system, there is a need and desire to create an engaging learning environment as well as to have collaboration among students in the online environment. The "student -centered approach to learning fits well into distance education environments", (Simonson, et al, 2015. p. 168). Bb offers a part of the application where instructors are able to build active discussion boards and videos to create an engaging course. Students can also download the Bb app that allows for more interaction with instructors, easy accessibility to the course and monitoring of course progress. For this reason, Bb is a good option for use by the institution as it continues to explore and develop more use for online development and learning.

Support Materials
Bb does provide various support materials to aid in instruction. The texts emphasizes that printed materials, course syllabus and interactive study guides improve the distance education environment, (Simonson, et al, 2015, p. 204). In Bb you can create your own syllabus or use their shell to create. Instructors are also able to create study guides, or have the option of using the loading textbooks content that has study guides attached to the text.The textbook loaded into Bb is an example of printed text and instructors can load and attach their own material to support course instruction. 

As instructors continue to use Bb, it was an important function to be able to assess student progress. Bb has a piece where instructors are able to grade student assignments, tests, discussions, etc., and provided feedback through a rubric. They are also able to see how student's are progressing and have the ability to send 'alerts' of students that are not performing well. This functionality allows instructors to track their students progress, see where they need to improve and make recommendations or referrals to the students. "Assessment is defined as the process of measuring, documenting, and interpreting behaviors that demonstrate learning" (Simonson, et al, 2015, p.226). This was very important for instructors to have and Bb provides that functionality.
Image result for word cloud online learning
Blackboard, the chosen one, is the CMS for our institution. It not only meets the requests of instructors but also meets the needs of student learning and engagement. The features of the system and it's user friendly resources and content allows for more creativity and course development for teaching. Bb is a great tool that supports higher education needs and appears to be keeping up with future trend as secondary education continues to advance.

Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., & Zvacek, S. (2015). Teaching and learning at a distance (6th ed.). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc..

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Positive and Negative Experience with online learning

I remember the first time I saw someone doing homework on the computer. It was the year 2002 and a coworker and I were chatting and he kept looking and typing while we were talking. Out of curiosity I asked, "what are you doing on the computer & why do you keep looking back and forth at two different documents?". He replied, "I'm writing a paper". This conversation led to my initial learning on completing a degree online. I was surprised, shocked and in disbelief. How can this be possible? People can actually obtain a degree, learning, studying, writing papers, etc. just on the computer? No way.......and in 2008 I became a Phoenix by earning my Masters in Business Administration from the University of Phoenix.

"We Rise"
It's amazing how we've evolved since that time and grown into this technologically advanced society where everything can be acquired at the touch of a button, or from our phones to our cars. We've also witnessed these advancements within education and how it continues to grow and become more accessible in the classroom.

My experience  with distance education has been positive. It has afforded me the flexibility to be an online learner and learn anywhere at anytime and with flexibility. The text defines distance education as "institution based, formal education where the learning group is separated, and where interactive telecommunications systems are used to connect learners, resources, and instructors" (Schlosser & Simonson, 2009, p. 1). At the time that I became an online student, I'm not certain if there was a definition for distance education, however the term online was used to describe those students who were learning online. Simonson, Smaldino & Zvacek write in the text "On-line Learning/ On-Line Education is the common distance education term used in higher education" (2015, p. 33). Since my experience of completing my MBA degeree, whenever there is a training opportunity or course that is offered, I always ask if there is an online offering. My preference is now to conduct any learning experience to an online format.

I haven't had any negative online learning experiences. Over the years as I have completed so many training's, teaching online courses, obtaining an online degree from various entities, that the positive experiences outweigh any negative. I can note that there are a few challenges that can occur that can be quite frustrating and cumbersome such as:

  • tech issues
  • limited accessibility to internet
  • no WiFi connection
  • power outages
  • damaged laptop
  • no textbook, etc.
  • posture/ back issues
Many of these challenges can cause a negative impact on your online learning experience and can result in a delay in completion of assignments. Take a look at this video produced by students on the advantages and challenges of online learning:

Taking a walk down memory lane, remembering how I first came to learn about online learning or distance education, and how much I have accomplished over the years with acquiring degrees, training, even teaching online courses, I am truly amazed at how far advanced it has become. Looking at how dependent we have become on technology and not even thinking about challenges that may arise when we are using our many devices. Online education will continue to evolve and become more advanced and I'm hoping to continue to learn and be able to apply and teach others all the knowledge I have gained in order to keep up with the advancements. My hope is to continue to evaluate, research and be able to share my positive and negative experiences to assist someone else along their online/ distance education journey.