Tuesday, April 30, 2019

O-P-L Reflection

When I initially began the instructional technology program, I was a bit hesitant. I had several years of education experience, but my largest number of years of experience was within higher education. All of my classmates worked in the K-12 industry in various capacities and felt that I would not be able to relate to anyone throughout the program. I soon learned that I was very capable of being able to keep up, maintain and learn something new all at the same time. My peers were very supportive and I began to overcome the challenges of many textbooks referring to K-12 educators and flip the content and apply that knowledge within the higher education environment.

In doing so, I have the use of many frameworks and standards that align with state department requirements and use those to make sense and understand how it relates to the college environment and to use it to the benefit of the students within my classroom. The Consortium for School Networking, (CoSN), Certified Educational Technology Leader, (CETL) framework, is a set of 10 skills that are needed to be successful in the educational technology arena. (See figure to the right that highlights each area required)

Considering this framework is designed for use in the primary and secondary environment, this framework allowed me to evaluate and really see the areas in which I have contributed within my current environment. Most of my skills gained fell in the area of II. Understanding the Educational Environment, specifically the Instructional Focus + Professional Development and Team Building and Staffing. I created professional development training for faculty in order that they were able to use our student management system more effectively and better manage, monitor and report on student data. Also, through this training, it allowed for opportunities for additional training to be created through collaboration from the education division on how to use curriculum mapping and relate those to the current student and course learning outcomes.


The area of I. Leadership + Vision is an area where I would have liked to play a larger role in assisting with creating a vision to support the strategic goals for the area of technology. My current position does not put me in a place where I can be an active participant in that area, however, through the instructional technology program, I had the opportunity to learn how the development of the vision assists with creating a technology plan that meets the needs of the stakeholders, administration, students, and faculty/ staff. I was able to create my own version of a technology plan and created a presentation outlining that plan. I also created an infographic outlining the key areas required when developing a technology plan.

The last area of the framework where I can identify skills is under III. Managing Technology & Support Resources, Communication Systems Management. Being in the college environment, and as a faculty member, I have little influence or direction over our information technology area. However, I was chosen to be a member of the Educational Technology committee. This committee was created under new leadership in the office of Academic Affairs. It was created to allow faculty member to discuss and research new and emerging technologies that will support our curriculum and student learning. This committee also has the responsibility of researching other institutions to see how they manage and support curriculum design and development, any grants that may support enhancing computers/labs emerging technology, etc. In this capacity, I've had the responsibility to research and maintain the database for the information gathered. The committee meets monthly to discuss additional findings and then added to the database for reporting to the dean's office. 

Although I've completed all of my instructional technology in the higher education environment, I've been able to accept the challenge of learning frameworks and standards for the K-12 school districts and apply those in my current area. It has been a eye opening experience that has equipped me with great knowledge that I can use and apply in all facets of curriculum design, professional development training, creating a vision, preparation to meet with administration as well as within the other 10 skills. As an observant, participant and leader, the CETL framework will be used as a guideline to development future instructional technology goals within my personal development and within my class instruction.

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